Thursday, May 22, 2008

Change your ways and just stay home

You can't turn on the TV without seeing something about rising gas prices. If you watch enough of the economists and "experts" on the subject it seems everyone has a different opinion as to why oil prices are at an all time high. Some say the oil is running out. Some say it is the oil companies. Some say it is OPEC (I don't even know what that stands for? In my mind OPEC=rich Arabs). Some say it has to do with supply and demand. Some say at this time it has nothing to do with supply and demand. Who knows? I do not know enough about economics to even make an educated argument about what the problem is. It is a no-brainer that we need to aggressively research alternative fuels and quit "tree-hugging" and drill for oil that we have in the US. However, even if we find alternative fuels, it will take years for manufacturing of these fuels to catch up with demand. The same goes with drilling for oil in the US. I heard somewhere if we tapped the oil that is available in Alaska it would still take 5 years for the oil to get to consumers.
So what do we do right now?
We change our ways and stay home as much as possible. We go to work, the grocery store, church, and straight back home. Spend more time with your family. We change the mindset of thinking we have to go somewhere to entertain ourselves. Watch DVDs that you get from one of those online video rental places where they deliver them to you. Play Monopoly. Exercise. Have a family bible study. Etc.
Memorial Day weekend is coming up and I've heard so many of my friends say they are going on a trip. Do you really have to? Is it really going to hurt you just to stay home?
This may make me into a bad guy but I'm going to say it anyway. If you own an SUV to carry around one child in, if you are going on a vacation this Memorial Day, if you are not consolidating your trips (ie. buy groceries on the way home from work), you have no right at all to complain about gas prices because you are contributing to high gas prices yourself. I have been guilty of all of these things in the past, but me and my wife have made a decision to just stay home. If you want to pay less for gas you will too.