Friday, May 30, 2008

Links from the Right

For those who are conservative, want Washington to do something (right now they are doing nothing at all but doing away with our corn crop for ethanol) about oil prices and alternative energies. Those who believe our country was founded on Christian principles and we need to stick with those principles. Or those who just believe in sound, common sense thinking and applying this thinking to energy, taxation, national security, etc. Check out these links (I will be adding more as I find them)

American Solutions - This site is very informative and involving. It was established by Newt Gingrich (Newt for President!- another topic for another day). You can even sign petitions that are sent to congressmen. The latest: Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

Glenn Beck - You've probably seen Glenn's show on Headline News. Glenn always has common sense people on his show. Glenn seeks solutions to problems facing us all instead of talking about Hillary and Obama all the time the way other shows do.