Friday, May 23, 2008

The Crisis that no one wants to talk about

I must say the rising price of gas is consuming me. Not only because it is hitting my wallet but because I hear people complain about gas prices but then change the subject to something else. Or just say, "well hopefully the price will come down soon". That is one of the problems with Americans. For years we have lulled ourselves to sleep thinking there is an endless supply of oil and our lives will just go on the way they always have. In doing a little online research about oil I came upon some interesting things from reliable sources.
Ever heard of Boone Pickens? He is a Texas oil billionaire who is now out of oil. Why? The answer in his words "
what I do believe in is we are out of cheap oil. We are out of the, you know, the bubbling crude where, you know, Jed goes out and he's shooting some varmint and all of a sudden up comes bubbling crude? That's done. That's over. The cheap oil is gone. There's plenty of oil left but it's deep sea oil, it's difficult to get or it's heavy crude. So it costs a lot more to pull out. So the days of cheap gas are over."

An excerpt of Glenn Beck's (Headline News) Boone Pickens interview:
"So Boone, $150 a barrel by the end of this year, when does this break the back of the economy? And he looked at me dead serious and with all soberness and said, we're there. He said, we're at an emergency. He said, just, nobody will talk about it. Nobody will recognize it. Nobody will say it. We're at a full-fledged energy emergency right now. He said, we need an Eisenhower highway project. We need somebody with vision. I said, so wait a minute. Why is it that the people that we have in power aren't going there? He said, I have no idea."

I don't want to sound like "Chicken Little", but of all people Boone Pickens knows energy and oil. Someone needs to be talking about this crisis. Americans need to wake up. This is not going away. I just wonder how high gas will have to go before our citizens and our government wakes up. Gas prices effect the price of everything. Plus, there will come a time (probably very soon) when it not only makes prices go up but trucks stop running to bring food and other products to us.

It happened to me today: I was going to get the propane tank for my grill filled. The station was out of propane because the truck that brings it to the station had to cut the amount of trips it makes per month in half because of high fuel prices.