Thursday, June 26, 2008

Common Sense escapes from the US Government

Where did our government's common sense go? It escaped and I can't find it but in a few places.

Last week President Bush requested that congress lift the ban on off shore drilling of oil on the outer continental shelf (which would double the current oil production of the US), recommended that we aggressively research drilling for the oil shale deposits in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming (which experts say holds deposits larger than Saudi Arabia has!!), and drill in ANWR. Why didn't he do this 6 months ago? Wouldn't that have made sense? I voted for Bush and still like him as President. However, I believe Washington common sense (or lack of) has rubbed off on him.
Just one example of lack of common sense: In response to Bush's request, a democratic Florida Congresswoman said she was totally against it because Florida's main source of income is tourism and drilling off the coast would be a threat to the pristine Florida beaches. First of all, there are many oil rigs off the coast of Louisiana and during hurricane Katrina there were no incidents of oil spills. Secondly, If we don't do something to decrease our dependence on foreign oil and the price of gas continues to increase, no one will be driving or flying to Florida because they will not be able to afford it. Makes sense to me but apparently not to a politician. Especially a democratic politician.

It seems the Supreme Court has lost their common sense also. They ruled that the death penalty for the brutal crime of child rape is "unconstitutional". This is terrible. Do these people even have a brain? Do they have children or grandchildren? Regardless of what they say or rule, although I am a Christian man from a Christian family, do something like this to my child and you will invoke the death penalty on yourself.
This Supreme Court lack of common sense brought my attention to Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana and prospective Republican VP candidate. Gov. Jindal outwardly opposed the Supreme Court ruling (click on his name for his words). He also said on Fox News that if the Court ruled against the death penalty in child rape and other cases such as these, they should consider chemical or physical castration as an alternative. When he said this the Fox News reporter said, "don't you think this statement will hurt you politically because some people will look on you as being a radical or extremist?". Jindal told the reporter, "I don't care how it effects me politically, it is the right thing to do". You go Bobby! I'm going to do some more research on Gov. Jindal, but for now I believe he is my favorite along with Huckabee as a McCain running mate. The US government needs to find it's common sense again.